Trenutno pregledavate EHF Women’s Handball Board

EHF Women’s Handball Board

Cilj i želja nam je da što vise žena iz različitih zemalja uključimo u razne projekte koje smo pripremili na nivou EHF/WHB.

U Hrvatskom ženskom rukometu je veliki broj žena koje vrijedno rade u klubovima i savezima kao tajnice, direktorice, treneri itd te ukoliko ste zainteresirane za besplatnu edukaciju u sklopu EHF molim vas da na dolje navedenom linku nađete informacije I prijavite se za naše besplatne projekte: sportskih menagera, sudaca, delegata, trenerica, rukomet na pijesku ( trenerice, delegate, sudci..) itd.

Molimo dakle da svi klubove obavijeste igračice ( trenutne I bivše) i žene koje rade kao trenerice, tajnice, direktorice itd o navedenom projektu tako da svi dobiju šansu da se besplatno educiraju I ostanu u što većem broju u rukometu I nakon igračke karijere.


Rok za prijavu je do 07.11.2013.


Sve dodatne informacije možete zatražiti kod dolje navedene koordinatorice gđe.  Alenke  Cuderman( ako vam nešto nije jasno itd). Alenka govori  hrvatski jezik. Isto tako se možete obratiti I meni osobno,

 Srdačan pozdrav,

 Lidija Bojić-Ćaćić





Dear Handball friends,


One of the objectives of the EHF Women’s Handball Board (WHB) is to improve the position of women involved in Handball therefore we are seeking opportunities for the equality of conditions as offered to men.

Please find below two WHB initiatives which we are currently promoting:


1.         The WHB would like to develop and structure an “International Network for Women’s Handball and as a result build an active Women’s Handball Community” and use the synergies to improve the exchange of information and knowledge, which in turn will lead to a greater communication structure, that would allow us to share experiences, stories and photos amongst the female handball community across Europe.

We recognize that many of you are involved in Women’s Handball via the EHF or your own National Federation or Club and we are of the view that it would be beneficial to our sport if we were to improve the means of sharing systems of best practice aligned with human and life style stories.

Initially it would be my intention to be in regular two way communication with you, to provide you with the current information relating to WHB initiatives, projects as well as articles received from the female handball community at large and to allow us to exchange relevant experiences, stories and photos. I would therefore kindly ask those who do NOT at this time wish to participate in this initiative to advise me accordingly following which I would ensure that your contact details are removed from the distribution list.

You should note that the long term aim, with your approval, is to introduce the collective access details therefore allowing you to communicate directly with each other.


2.         The WHB would also like to encourage and increase female leadership and improve their competences through educational opportunities and recruitment of elite players for roles such as coaches, delegates, referees and sports managers.

Please find attached the referring letter of Women’s Handball Board for your attention and I would kindly ask you to intimate your interest for different courses via “Online Registration” by 7 November 2013 at the latest.

Thereafter the EHF will use the information provided to develop, plan and deliver the educational activities, which will be subsidized by them in the next few years. It should be noted that the courses will be executed in English.

If you have any further questions in these matters, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Best regards,


Alenka Cuderman


2013 WHB  Recruitment Interest Letter
2013 WHB Recruitment Interest Letter
2013 WHB _Recruitment interest letter.docx
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